An international bookseller has reported a data breach affecting 1.2 million users. The company warns that customers’ personal information was compromised but that no financial data was stored on the site. CyberSecurity #DataProtection #DataBreach CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE
Author Archives: CMG
CEOs Explain How AI Will Super Charge Independent Management Consulting
With Artificial Intelligence (AI), consultants can now provide clients with resources similar to those that large organizations provide their employees, such as market research data and presentation tools. This is helping to even the playing field for independent consultants. #Artificialintelligence #DigitalTools #Technology CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE
MSSQL Databases Under Fire From FreeWorld Ransomware
Over the past year, malicious activity targeting vulnerable Microsoft SQL servers has increased by 174%! Organizations should consider reducing their risk of attack by limiting their exposure to the internet and monitoring for malicious activity. CyberSecurity #CyberAttack #Ransomware CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE